
Did you know 1 in 2 people are putting their eyes at risk in sunny weather. The sun's rays are strongest between 10 am and 2 pm, but that's not the only time UV rays can harm your eyes. Glare and reflections can give you trouble too, so have your sunglasses ready if you'll be around snow, water or sand, or if you'll be driving (windscreens are a big glare source). Sunlamps, tanning beds, photosensitising drugs, high altitudes and proximity to the equator also put you at greater risk of eye damage from UV radiation.

54% of adults never wear UV sunglasses in sunshine or only wear them sometimes. 56% are unaware UV sunglasses may reduce the risk of cataracts and age related macula degeneration (Fight for Sight, 2018)

Come in and try on our stylish sunglasses, we have a wide choice of styles from budget to designer including some major brands. All have UV protection and will be fitted correctly by our experienced staff who are more than happy to assist you with picking the perfect pair.

Because we don't believe that anyone should have to compromise on style, all of our spectacles can be supplied with either fixed tint or transition lenses that change with the light. The majority of our range can be fitted with prescription lenses so you can be sure you're always bang on trend!

funky sunglasses

Contact us to find out more about which sunglasses we stock!